
Online Services

Click here to view our service for February 2

Please join us for worship every Sunday at 10:15

All are Welcome

Winter is here!!

Please use your best judgement and respect the weather. We would much prefer to miss your presence occasionally than to hear about your harrowing journey to church during a winter storm event!!

Starting Wednesday February 5th


These testimonials were recorded during the COVID-19 pandemic.  We are re sharing them here as a celebration of all the wonderful things our church community has to offer

Facility Space Available

Do you need space for a meeting, gathering, rehearsal or performance? Space is available in Britannia United Church. Call the Church Office at 613-828-6018, between 9:00 am and 1:00 pm, Monday to Friday, for more information or email office@brituc.ca.

KD Cloths

I will be selling the incredible KD cloth to help raise funds for Britannia United Church. Now is a good time to buy the KD cloths for fall clean up, birthday gifts, and as Christmas gifts. You just wet it, wring it, wipe item and you are done. No chemicals needed. Easy to use, safe and not harmful to the environment. It cleans windows streak-free, as well as stainless steel, taps, counters, cupboards, etc. I use it to touch up silver.  To purchase cloths, contact Rose Bernauer at 613-721-3874 or email at bernauerrose@yahoo.com

Choir Practice

The Britannia United Church choir has resumed now that summer is over!
We rehearse from 9:00-10:00am on Sundays before each service,
We welcome all voices. Join us if you love to sing!
Please email our Music Director, Laurel Ralston, at music@brituc.ca if you are interested. 🎶



Donations may be made by:

  • PAR (Pre Authorized Remittance), a convenient way to take care of your regular commitment to the Church. To participate, decide on the amount that you want to donate each month (general fund, Mission & Service, other (specify)). Print and fill in the PAR authorization form, and attach a cheque from your bank account marked “VOID”. Then mail the application and void cheque to the Church. Your account will be debited on or about the 20th of the month and the Church’s account credited with the amount.  Contact the Church Office to obtain further information from the Envelope Steward.
  • Etransfer, from your bank account directly to the Church. To make an etransfer, log in to your bank’s website, select etransfer, add “BRITANNIA UNITED CHURCH” as a payee. Verify that it selects “bookkeeper@brituc.ca” as the email. If you wish the entire deposit to be made to the general fund, nothing more is required. If you want some to go to Mission & Service or other (specify)), include that information in the Notes section. There are no security questions required to make the transfer.
  • Cheque, mailed to the Church or in person during church services.
  • Canada Helps, by clicking the Donate button at the top of this website